Bardel Entertainment, the animation studio behind top audience hit series such as The Dragon Prince, Rick and Morty, Teen Titans Go!, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid, is expanding operations to Montréal, Québec with a new studio location between Griffintown and Pointe-Saint-Charles.
Montréal is a prominent player in the animation sector, serving as a dynamic hub with a globally-diverse talent pool, making it a natural next step for the B.C. based studio. Bardel aims to bring its expertise to clients and partners in the region, while contributing significantly to the creative landscape by providing a wide range of services in television, feature film, and game cinematics.
“We are thrilled to be expanding our studio into the vibrant province of Québec. This is not just a milestone; but an exciting opportunity to further Bardel’s continued success in the animation, tv, and film space.” – Tina Chow
“Expanding into Montréal has been a long-anticipated milestone for Bardel. We are delighted to expand the operations of the company and build upon the diverse talent available in Montréal’s dynamic creative environment.” – Richard Grieve
The Montréal studio marks Bardel’s second operational expansion, and its third location overall. Founded in 1987, the company’s central studio resides in Vancouver and serves as Bardel’s production hub, overseeing all phases from early visual development through to final picture in both 2D and 3D. In 2013, the company expanded its operations to the fastest growing city in Canada – Kelowna, British Columbia – with its operation focused on animation production in both CG and 2D.
Bardel’s Montréal studio is slated to commence operations as early as 2024.